Local Resources
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Support Rainbow Seniors! 3 Things for Service Providers to Know
This Learning Centre resource features an infographic and informational video on how service providers can support rainbow seniors
Adults Computer Workshop, Children’s 3D Printer Class, 3D Printing Workshop (Belleville Public Library)
Adults Computer Workshop - A program for Belleville Public Library members that teaches computer basics, email and internet usage, and more. Pre-registration required and limited space. Prioritizes first time atendees and library cardholders.Children's 3D
1-on-1 Tech Training, Information & Digital Services (Bracebridge Public Library)
1-on-1 Tech Training - One hour one-on-one tech training sessions are offered all year round. Topics cater to the patron's needs and include subjects such as email, social media, downloading ebooks, iPads, cloud storage, etc. Sessions are held via phone,
Brant Public Library
3D Printing, Tech Help (Brant Public Library)
3D Printing (Paris Branch) - Must be 18+ and a member of the library to gain access to the 3D printer. Agreement forms must be sumbitted before use.Tech Help - The staff will try to assist with any questions about the library computers and software. Help
Bruce County Public Library
3D Printer (Bruce County Public Library)
One-on-one and group sessions are offered to introduce the basics of 3D printing and how to use the library's 3D printer. Must complete public 3d certification in Niche Academy to have individual time using the 3D printer.
Orillia Public Library
1-on-1 Tech Help, Maker Space Equipment (Orillia Public Library)
1-on-1 Tech Help - One-on-one hour-long sessions with a Tech Librarian are available via booking. Offers help with computers, tablets, phones, e-readers and more. Appointments can be in-library or remote through phone or Zoom. Patrons must have a library
3D-Selfserve Printing (Uxbridge Public Library)
Attend orientation sessions or view the Youtube tutorials listed on the library website, and complete an online questionnaire to gain access to use the printer. Must have a library card.
1:1 Tech Help With Drew, Creator Space, Tech Lending (Wasaga Beach Library)
1:1 Tech Help With Drew - One-on-one tech helpappointments with Drew are available both online and in person. Includes topics such as Facebook, Zoom, device assistance, downloading e-books, and more.Creator Space The Creator Space allows patrons to learn
Technology Training (Woodstock Public Library)
Woodstock Library offers the following technology training programs for adults: Drop in Tech Help - Offers hands-on assistance with basic computer skills, navigating the web, downloading eBooks, or any other tech issues. First come first served basis.How
Tech Intros, Tech Training: iPads & Apps (Vaughan Public Libraries)
Tech Intros - 15-minute one-on-one sessions to learn about one of the resources: Zoom, Brainfuse, or LinkedIn Learning.Tech Training: iPads & Apps - Learn the basics of iPad operation and a few apps that can help navigate the library.