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YWCA Kitchener-Waterloo
In Her Shoes (YWCA Kitchener-Waterloo)
YWCA Kitchener-Waterloo offers the employment program In Her Shoes. The program provides women, transgender, and non-binary people digital and technological skills needed to gain employment and secure financial security. In Her Shoes (Women) is split into
Media Smarts
Media Smarts provides Canadian homes, schools, and communities with various programs and online resources that focus on improving digital and media literacy.
Computers with Pride
Computers with Pride are a Toronto computer repair service and sales, that is geared towards 2S-LGBTQ+ communities. They offer drop off, on-site, and remote support. They service and sell both Macs and PCs.
EGALE Guide to Virtual GSAs
Egale works to improve the lives of LGBTQI2S people in Canada and to enhance the global response to LGBTQI2S issues. This guide provides a webinar and series of resources for running an online Gay Straight Alliance (GSA) for youth.
INDIGital Healing Through Technology
Through the INDIGital program, the Indigenous Friends Association is currently delivering a digital literacy curriculum, and using technological-based skills in order to empower Indigenous Peoples in today’s tech labour market. They are also developing a four week program called Queer Digital for BIPOC youth.
Virtual GSAs in Action: Digital Organizing Toolkit
The GSA network launched 'Virtual GSAs in Action: Digital Organizing Toolkit. It was inspired by trans and queer youth activists, GSA club advisors, educators, and grassroots organizations in the US. This resource is a useful tool for strengthening community ties during the global pandemic
Connected Canadians
Connected Canadians is a non-profit with a mandate to reduce isolation and loneliness amongst older adults by promoting digital literacy skills and providing technology training and support. Their goal is to empower people to use technology safely and effectively, to engage with loved ones and enhance quality of life. Connected Canadians uses a customized, hands-on learning centred approach. Visit their website to learn more.