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i-ConnectED is a mobile educational platform developed by the Indigenous Friends Association. It is an Indigenous-led program that drives positive learning experiences for learners located in marginalized communities, reaching them on messaging platforms.
1-on-1 Tech Training, Information & Digital Services (Bracebridge Public Library)
1-on-1 Tech Training - One hour one-on-one tech training sessions are offered all year round. Topics cater to the patron's needs and include subjects such as email, social media, downloading ebooks, iPads, cloud storage, etc. Sessions are held via phone,
Brant Public Library
3D Printing, Tech Help (Brant Public Library)
3D Printing (Paris Branch) - Must be 18+ and a member of the library to gain access to the 3D printer. Agreement forms must be sumbitted before use.Tech Help - The staff will try to assist with any questions about the library computers and software. Help
Borrowing Wi-Fi Hotspots, 1-on-1 Tech Help (Whitby Public Library)
Borrowing Wi-Fi Hotspots - Borrow a Wi-Fi hotspot for up to 14 days with a library card.1-on-1 Tech Help (Central Branch) - Offers one-on-one appointments that are 50 minutes long. Provides help with using emails, social media basics, smartphone or tablet
Free Tech Session (Tweed Public Library)
Offers one hour one-on-one tech lessons with Niki. Sign up in-person at the desk.
Stirling-Rawdon Public Library
Computer/Tablet/Cell Phone Classes, Computer Assistance (Stirling-Rawdon Public Library)
Computer/Tablet/Cell Phone Classes - Beginner classes on the use of computers, iPads/tablets, and smartphones. Computer Assistance - Staff is available at the library for any assistance for computer needs.
Mobile Hotspot Lending Program, Ask a Librarian, Tech Support and Assistance, (Region of Waterloo Public Library)
Mobile Hotpot Lending Program - Mobile hotspots are avilable to borrow. Must be 16+ and have a library card. Can be loaned for a one or three-week plan. Ask a Librarian (Tech support and assistance) - Librarians available for assistance to help with getti
Makerspace, Chromebook Lending (Quinte West Public Library)
Makerspace - Offers high-tech equipment for patrons to learn, design, and create with. Equipment includes 3D printing, a Cricut maker, and a laser cutter. Maker Help is also offered where staff are available to help with any issues in the Makerspace thro
Powassan and District Union Public Library
Tech Help (Powassan and District Union Public Library)
Book a one-on-one appointment with Jeff for tech help. Assists with trouble shooting, cell phones, setting up email/social media accounts and general information. Every fourth Thursday each month at 11am-3pm.
Port Colborne Public Library
Makerspace (Port Colborne Public Library)
Offers musical intruments, button maker, green screen and photography studio, etc. Space can be explored through workhops, programs, or self-directed learning.