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INDIGital offers Indigenous youth and newcomers five weeks of free online learning about digital literacy, community, and empowerment. They have two different courses that match participants’ different interests and needs.
Adults Computer Workshop, Children’s 3D Printer Class, 3D Printing Workshop (Belleville Public Library)
Adults Computer Workshop - A program for Belleville Public Library members that teaches computer basics, email and internet usage, and more. Pre-registration required and limited space. Prioritizes first time atendees and library cardholders.Children's 3D
Stirling-Rawdon Public Library
Computer/Tablet/Cell Phone Classes, Computer Assistance (Stirling-Rawdon Public Library)
Computer/Tablet/Cell Phone Classes - Beginner classes on the use of computers, iPads/tablets, and smartphones. Computer Assistance - Staff is available at the library for any assistance for computer needs.
Computers for Beginners, Library Tech Support, The Creator Space (Niagara Falls Public Library)
Computers for Beginners - A introductory class to computer basics. All tech and tools are provided, but participants are encouraged to bring their own devices as well.Library Tech Support - Get answers to basic tech questions or learn how to use library r
Borrow WiFi Hotspot, iMac Public Computer, Tech Help, Digital Literacy Workshops and Lending Program for Seniors (55+) (North Perth Public Library)
Borrow WiFi Hotspot - Mobile wifi hotspots are available to borrow. Offers connectivity to wifi through the Bell cellular network. Must be 18+ and have a North Perth Public Library card.iMac Public Computer (Listowel Branch) - iMacs are available at the L