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i-ConnectED is a mobile educational platform developed by the Indigenous Friends Association. It is an Indigenous-led program that drives positive learning experiences for learners located in marginalized communities, reaching them on messaging platforms.
AARP (American Association of Retired Persons)
AARP (American Association of Retired Persons)
The AARP website is an active news network that provides a series of helpful articles on basic digital literacy and computer tips. In addition to digital literacy resources, AARP also published news stories relevant to older adults from all walks of life including BIPOC and queer communities.
Whitewater Region Public Library
Computer Training (Whitewater Region Public Library)
Offers student-taught computer and internet lessions during the fall and winter season.
YWCA Canada
Digital Smarts, Project Shift (YWCA Canada)
Digital Smarts - Digital Smarts is a free online digital literacy skills program that offers topics such as onine safety and privacy, how to use social media and Zoom, online banking and shopping, etc. The progam is offered in 8 hour-long workshops in var
YMCA Northeastern Ontario
Digital Inclusion, Seniors Connection and Opportunities Hub (DISCO) (YMCA Northeastern Ontario)
The Disco Hub has a focus of providing seniors with technology and technology classes. Devices such as laptops and tablets are offered to participants and staff are available to teach them how to use the devices. Workshops for internet security and learni
YMCA Greater Saint John
Digital Literacy Program (YMCA Greater Saint John)
The Digital Literacy Program offers free one-on-one sessions to teach older adults how to access and use technology. Can cover topics such as web browsing and search engine, creating and sending emails, creating and remembering secure passwords, navigatin
Digital Literacy Programs
HelpAge Canada offers several Digital Literacy programs to help older Canadians connect with friends and family online and participate more fully in society. Provides programs such as Dig-IT, which is a national program that offers devices, data, technical support, and digital learning courses.
Gluu is a nonprofit educational platform working to provide digital skills learning resources to older Canadians and the people & organizations that support them. They provide cost-free, ad-free digital skills education and learning resources to older adults and seniors' organizations in the form of remote online courses and articles.
Digitally Lit
Digitally Lit is a project of the Brookfield Institute that uses after-school spaces to introduce youths to integral digital literacy and code education. During the 2 year pilot period, the project's goal is to provide over 1000 Canadian youths from the ages 12-15 who are underrepresented in STEM fields with a program that blends play, hands-on and interactive activities.