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SeniorNet offers resources and support for both individual tech learners and organizations. For individual older adults, SeniorNet offers networking services and events to keep seniors connected to each other in addition to tech support and connections to other resources. For senior-focused organizations, SeniorNet helps with digital capacity building and connections with discounted software and other resources. Users must make an account to access.
Seniors and Technology
The Saskatoon Council on Aging (SCOA) provides opportunities for older adults to learn to use technology in user-friendly formats. They offer both a free iPad lending library and mentoring programs that connect seniors with young people who provide tech support and digital literacy training. SCOA also offers paid one-on-one lessons for devices and software for seniors.
Generations Online
Generations online provides easy, fast, and free digital skills for elders. They provide device training and general digital/online skills training for both institutions that serve seniors and individual seniors and caregivers.