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Showing 11-20 of 71.
Whitewater Region Public Library
Computer Training (Whitewater Region Public Library)
Offers student-taught computer and internet lessions during the fall and winter season.
Free Tech Session (Tweed Public Library)
Offers one hour one-on-one tech lessons with Niki. Sign up in-person at the desk.
iPad Lending Program, Technology Support and Training (Township of Russell Public Library)
iPad Lending Program - iPads and iPad kits (including Wi-Fi hotspots) are available for borrowing to patrons 18 years old and up. Devices and kits come with a detailed user guide and resources. Lending periods are up to 7 days. 5 iPads are available for l
Technology Lending Program: Bridging the Digital Divide, Technology Coaching (Thunder Bay Public Library)
Technology Lending Program: Bridging the Digital Divide - Tablets, Wi-Fi hubs, and Chromebooks are available for lending. Can be loaned for up to 28 days. Patrons can only borrow one device at a time. Any adult or teen patron with an account in good stand
Stratford Public Library
MakerSpace, Tech Tutor, Borrowing a Chromebook (Stratford Public Library)
MakerSpace - The MakerSpace offers stations with various technologies and resources for use. Includes 3D printers, sewing machines, circuits, vinyl machines, etc. Available through workshops, planned programs, or open lab times.Tech Tutor - The library of
Tech Talk, Maker Lab (St.Thomas Public Library)
Tech Talk - This program offers a chance to ask any tech questions and learn new things about computers.Maker Lab - The Maker Lab offers 3D printing, vinyl cutting, and maker kits. Intro to 3D printing and design programs are also available.
Shreiber Public Library
SPL Computer Access, Seniors Computer Training Course (Shreiber Public Library)
SPL Computer Access - iPads and laptops are available to local residents.Seniors Computer Training Course - Offers basic computer training on topics including computer basics, navigating the internet, email, MS Word, etc.
Mobile Hotspot Lending Program, Ask a Librarian, Tech Support and Assistance, (Region of Waterloo Public Library)
Mobile Hotpot Lending Program - Mobile hotspots are avilable to borrow. Must be 16+ and have a library card. Can be loaned for a one or three-week plan. Ask a Librarian (Tech support and assistance) - Librarians available for assistance to help with getti
Selwyn Tech Topics: Instructional Videos, Borrow a Wi-Fi Hotspot (Selwyn Public Library)
Selwyn Tech Topics: Instructional Videos - Intructional videos on tech topics are offered through the library's Youtube channel. Contact Heidi via email if there are any topics that you wish to to see as a video.Borrow a Wi-Fi Hotspot - Provides Wi-Fi thr