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GetSetUp is an international online learning platform for older adults. They offer live classes taught by peers, social hours hosted by community members, and special events with guest speakers. Classes are taught in English, Spanish, Hindi and Mandarin with core teams in the U.S., Australia, and India. Users must make an account to access courses and there are both free and paid account options. GetSetUp also posts articles about digital literacy for seniors that are accessible without an account.
Techsocial provides a series of self-guided video modules on digital literacy and basic computer skills for older adults. Please visit their website for more information on TechSocial's in-person training workshops for Northeastern Ontario and their personalized training program for individuals.
Seniors in Cyberspace
TIGP aims to decrease the artificial and systemic barriers related to aging by bringing seniors and youth together in a variety of in-person and remote programs. They offer fifteen virtual programs including a course on social media marketing and a general computer literacy program.
SeniorNet offers resources and support for both individual tech learners and organizations. For individual older adults, SeniorNet offers networking services and events to keep seniors connected to each other in addition to tech support and connections to other resources. For senior-focused organizations, SeniorNet helps with digital capacity building and connections with discounted software and other resources. Users must make an account to access.
Techboomers.com is a free educational website that teaches older adults and other inexperienced Internet users with basic computer skills about websites that can help improve their quality of life. They offer courses, articles, and directories of helpful websites and apps.
Teach an Old Dog New Tricks
Teach an Old Dog New Tricks is owned and operated by Tony Horowitz who offers basic computer skills training for seniors and beginners. He has created a series of short videos on basic computer and software skills for free on his YouTube channel. Tony Also offers paid consulting services to organizations and paid one-on-one lessons to individual learners.
Seniors and Technology
The Saskatoon Council on Aging (SCOA) provides opportunities for older adults to learn to use technology in user-friendly formats. They offer both a free iPad lending library and mentoring programs that connect seniors with young people who provide tech support and digital literacy training. SCOA also offers paid one-on-one lessons for devices and software for seniors.
Senior’s Guide to Computers
Senior's Guide to Computers is designed to help seniors who are beginners at using technology. They offer basic computer training in plain language including how to use different web browsers, set up your computer to address accessibility, send emails, and other basic tasks. The site also offers detailed information on storing and saving data, setting up security protocols, and selecting software and hardware for your technology set-up.
Media Smarts
MediaSmarts is a Canadian not-for-profit charitable organization for digital and media literacy. They have an extensive library of digital literacy programs and resources for parents, teachers, and young people. The majority of their programs help young people to develop their critical media literacy skills.