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Borrowing Wi-Fi Hotspots, 1-on-1 Tech Help (Whitby Public Library)
Borrowing Wi-Fi Hotspots - Borrow a Wi-Fi hotspot for up to 14 days with a library card.1-on-1 Tech Help (Central Branch) - Offers one-on-one appointments that are 50 minutes long. Provides help with using emails, social media basics, smartphone or tablet
Wellington County Public Library
Lending Programme, Technology at your Library, Tech Talk (Wellington County Public Library)
Lending Programme - Hotspots available for lending. One hotspot can provide unlimited internet use and accomodate for up to 15 devices at a time. Can be lent for up to 7 days. iPads are also available for loan for up to 7 days. Hotspots and iPads can be l
Tech Connect, Borrowing a Hotspot (Waterloo Public Library)
Tech Connect - Book a one-hour one-on-one session with a Tech Connect Coach to help with any tech questions over the phone. Must make an appointment.Borrowing a Hotspot - Wi-Fi hotspots allow you to connect to the internet. Hotspots can be borrowed for up
Toronto Public Library
Computer & Library Training, Wi-Fi Hotspot (Toronto Public Library)
Computer & Library Training - The Toronto Library offers in-person computer classes that focus on Microsoft Office, computer basics, and digital design.Wi-Fi Hotspot Lending - Wi-Fi hotspots are available to be lent out to those who do not have internet a
Technology Lending Program: Bridging the Digital Divide, Technology Coaching (Thunder Bay Public Library)
Technology Lending Program: Bridging the Digital Divide - Tablets, Wi-Fi hubs, and Chromebooks are available for lending. Can be loaned for up to 28 days. Patrons can only borrow one device at a time. Any adult or teen patron with an account in good stand
iPad Lending, Mobile Internet Hotspot Lending, 3D Printing (Stormont, Dundas, and Glengarry Public Library)
iPad Lending - All branches have iPads available for in-library use.Mobile Internet Hotspot Lending - Mobile internet hotspots available to borrow for unlimited LTE internet availability anywhere. Loan for up to 10 days.3D Printing (Finch + Winchester + M
Selwyn Tech Topics: Instructional Videos, Borrow a Wi-Fi Hotspot (Selwyn Public Library)
Selwyn Tech Topics: Instructional Videos - Intructional videos on tech topics are offered through the library's Youtube channel. Contact Heidi via email if there are any topics that you wish to to see as a video.Borrow a Wi-Fi Hotspot - Provides Wi-Fi thr
Mobile Hotspot Lending Program, Ask a Librarian, Tech Support and Assistance, (Region of Waterloo Public Library)
Mobile Hotpot Lending Program - Mobile hotspots are avilable to borrow. Must be 16+ and have a library card. Can be loaned for a one or three-week plan. Ask a Librarian (Tech support and assistance) - Librarians available for assistance to help with getti
Chromebook & WiFi Hotspot Lending Program (Scugog Public Library)
Adult cardholder can borrow a wifi hotspot and/or a chromebook for up to 14 days.
Lending Technology (Spanish Public Library)
Many technological devices are available to borrow at the library. Includes Nintendo Switch Game System, tablet, laptop, Wifi hub (hotspot), etc. Can be borrowed for a max of 7 to 21 days depending on the device. Must be 18+ to borrow.